Fish Reports

  • - Steelies and boy did they put on a show for our guests . - What an awesome day in Lorain today, we went after the Steelies and boy did they put on a show... Read more
  • - Weather man said we had a small window this morning so the crew said let's go - Weather man said we had a small window this morning so the crew said let's go. We ran a little... Read more
  • - Always a fun trip when this group shows up - Always a fun trip when this group shows up. James, Carrie, Andrew, Bob and Tina put a hurting on the... Read more
  • - Lorain KICKED MY BUTT TODAY!! - be we stuck with it and Prevailed in the end - Lorain KICKED MY BUTT TODAY!! - be we stuck with it and Prevailed in the end I haven't worked that hard... Read more
  • - Great morning on the lake, The water and weather were beautiful. - Thank you Tim Braunns, Courtney, Homer and Steve for a great morning on the lake. The water and weather were... Read more
  • - What an amazing day with an absolutely amazing family!! - What an amazing day with an absolutely amazing family!! They crushed them this am. I cant wait to do it... Read more
  • - Had the family out on the Cherokee in Lorain - Had the family out on the Cherokee in Lorain on the 4th of July doing a little fun fishing, along... Read more
  • - Had so much fun with family today!! Beautiful day!!! - Left the dock at 6:00 this morning. We were marking fish a few miles south of where we've been running... Read more
  • - Crew did a 2 day trip - Crew did a 2 day trip, Monday we waited until noon before leaving the dock due to winds out of... Read more
  • - We had the winners of a donated trip today - We had the winners of a donated trip today. Denise Berganski and crew. Thank goodness the youngest member of the... Read more
